Los dos paisajes es tu favorito? ¿ piensas del calentamiento global? ¿ son tus animales favoritos? ¿ haces para proteger el medio ambiente? ¿ problema ecológico es el más importante? ¿ son tus ovejas, las blancas o las negras? ¿ es tu opinión sobre la deforestación de nuestros bosques? ¿ fuentes alternativas de energía usas? ¿ son las especies que están en peligro de extinción?



Cual de los dos paisajes es tu favorito?

Which, out of two landscapes, is your favorite?

In Spanish language we use CUAL for singular, and CUALES for plural when we want to know the specific answer, like which is your favorite color, which are your shoes, which one of your brothers is older, etc, etc. Also, both que and cual can mean which and what at the same time. The easiest way to remember these two is that: Cual is always followed by verb or preposition DE. Que is followed both by a noun and a verb.

Que piensas del calentamiento global?

What do you think about global warming?

In Spanish language we use CUAL for singular, and CUALES for plural when we want to know the specific answer, like which is your favorite color, which are your shoes, which one of your brothers is older, etc, etc. Also, both que and cual can mean which and what at the same time. The easiest way to remember these two is that: Cual is always followed by verb or preposition DE. Que is followed both by a noun and a verb.

Cuales son tus animales favoritos?

What are your favorite animals?

In Spanish language we use CUAL for singular, and CUALES for plural when we want to know the specific answer, like which is your favorite color, which are your shoes, which one of your brothers is older, etc, etc. Also, both que and cual can mean which and what at the same time. The easiest way to remember these two is that: Cual is always followed by verb or preposition DE. Que is followed both by a noun and a verb.

Que haces para proteger el medio ambiente?

What do you do in order to protect environment?

In Spanish language we use CUAL for singular, and CUALES for plural when we want to know the specific answer, like which is your favorite color, which are your shoes, which one of your brothers is older, etc, etc. Also, both que and cual can mean which and what at the same time. The easiest way to remember these two is that: Cual is always followed by verb or preposition DE. Que is followed both by a noun and a verb.

Que problema ecologico es el mas importante?

Which ecologic problem is the most important?

In Spanish language we use CUAL for singular, and CUALES for plural when we want to know the specific answer, like which is your favorite color, which are your shoes, which one of your brothers is older, etc, etc. Also, both que and cual can mean which and what at the same time. The easiest way to remember these two is that: Cual is always followed by verb or preposition DE. Que is followed both by a noun and a verb.

Cuales son tus ovejas, las blancas o las negras?

Which are your sheep, the white ones or the black ones?

In Spanish language we use CUAL for singular, and CUALES for plural when we want to know the specific answer, like which is your favorite color, which are your shoes, which one of your brothers is older, etc, etc. Also, both que and cual can mean which and what at the same time. The easiest way to remember these two is that: Cual is always followed by verb or preposition DE. Que is followed both by a noun and a verb.

Cual es tu opinion sobre la deforestacion de nuestros bosques?

What is your opinion on deforestation of our forests?

In Spanish language we use CUAL for singular, and CUALES for plural when we want to know the specific answer, like which is your favorite color, which are your shoes, which one of your brothers is older, etc, etc. Also, both que and cual can mean which and what at the same time. The easiest way to remember these two is that: Cual is always followed by verb or preposition DE. Que is followed both by a noun and a verb.

Que fuentes alternativas de energia usas?

What alternative sources of energy do you use?

In Spanish language we use CUAL for singular, and CUALES for plural when we want to know the specific answer, like which is your favorite color, which are your shoes, which one of your brothers is older, etc, etc. Also, both que and cual can mean which and what at the same time. The easiest way to remember these two is that: Cual is always followed by verb or preposition DE. Que is followed both by a noun and a verb.

Cuales son las especies que estan en peligro de extincion?

What are the animal species that are in danger from extinction?

In Spanish language we use CUAL for singular, and CUALES for plural when we want to know the specific answer, like which is your favorite color, which are your shoes, which one of your brothers is older, etc, etc. Also, both que and cual can mean which and what at the same time. The easiest way to remember these two is that: Cual is always followed by verb or preposition DE. Que is followed both by a noun and a verb.

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